Casting Director for Film & TV, Israel
EMMY Nominee for outstanding casting for a limited series
Winner of the German Television Academy Award (DAFF)
Winner of the Israeli Film Academy Award (OPHIR)
Member of the ICDN (International Casting Directors Network)
Member of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences
Marianna’s Room | In pre-production
Feature length film , France - Israel - Hungary
director Emmanuel Finkiel
Production Metrocom, Cinefrance studio & Gapbusters

Promised Land | In pre-production
Feature length film , UK
director Michael Winterbottom
Production Revolution films UK
*Casting services, IsraelIn pre-production

Amia | In pre-production
TV seires , Argentina
director Matias Bertilotti
Production Dori Media

15 Years | In pre-production
Feature length film , Germany
director Chris Kraus
Production DOR film group, Senator film & Sansa film
*Casting services - Israel

Unorthodox | 2020
TV seires , Netflix
director Maria Schrader
Production Studio Airlift , Real Film Berlin Gmbh
*Nominated for an Emmy award for casting in a limited series
*Won the German TV Academy awards for casting

The Awakening of Motti Wolkenbruch | 2018
Feature length film , Switzerland
director Michael Steiner
Production Michael Steiger , Hans G. Syz , Anita Wasser
*Casting services - Israel

Get Lost! | 2018
TV Movie , Netherlands
director Mirjam de With
Production Family Affair Films
*Casting services - Israel

Murer: Anatomy of a Trial | 2018
Feature length film , Austria
director Christian Frosch
Production Adrien Chef
*Casting services - Israel

The Greenhouse Academy 1st & 2nd seasons | 2017
TV seires , Netflix
director Roee Florentin
Production Nutz Productions
*Co-casting with Fern Champion & Sharon Chazin Lieblein

Der Tel-Aviv Krimi | 2016
TV series, Germany
director Matthias Tiefenbacher
Production for ARD TV, Germany 60tv60film
The Other Son | 2012
Feature length film , France
director Lorraine Levy
Production Rapsodie production , Laila Films, Israel

Hanna's Journey | 2013
Feature length film , Germany - Israel
director Julian von Heinz
Production 2Pilots Filmproduction , Black Sheep Film Productions , Kings & Queens Filproduktion

Haim and Greta | In pre-production
Feature length film , Latvia
director Sergey Livenev
Production Metro communications

For the love of a woman | In pre-production
Feature length film , Italy
director Guido Chiesa
Production Vivo film and Colorado film

Dirizhyor / St. Matthew Passion | 2012
Feature length film , Russia
director Pavel Lungin
Production Pavel Lungin

The Debt | 2010
Feature length film , USA
director John Madden
Production Miramax , Israeli prod. - Evanstone
Adam Resurrected | 2008
Feature length film , USA - Israel
director Paul Schrader
Production Bleiberg Entertainment , Ehud Bleiberg, July August Productions

The Shooting of Tomas Hurndall | 2008
Feature Length TV movie , channle 4 UK
director Rowan Joffe
Production talkbackTHAMES , Barney Reisz

Liebesleben (Love Life) | 2007
Feature length film , Germany
director Maria Schrader
Production X-Films Berlin , Stefan Arndt

Jellyfish | 2007
Feature length film , France - Israel
director Shira Geffen, Etgar keret
Production Canal+, Arte Cinema France & Lama Films, Israel
*winner of the Camera D’Or, Cannes film festival 2007
Live and Become | 2005
Feature length film , France
director Radu Mihaileanu
Production Elzevis films & Transfax productions, Israel
*Co-casting With Hila Yuval