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Marianna’s Room | In pre-production

Feature length film , France - Israel - Hungary

director Emmanuel Finkiel

Production Metrocom, Cinefrance studio & Gapbusters

Promised Land | In pre-production

Feature length film , UK

director Michael Winterbottom

Production Revolution films UK

*Casting services, IsraelIn pre-production

Amia | In pre-production

TV seires , Argentina

director Matias Bertilotti

Production Dori Media

15 Years | In pre-production

Feature length film , Germany

director Chris Kraus

Production DOR film group, Senator film & Sansa film

*Casting services - Israel

Unorthodox | 2020

TV seires , Netflix

director Maria Schrader

Production Studio Airlift , Real Film Berlin Gmbh

*Nominated for an Emmy award for casting in a limited series

*Won the German TV Academy awards for casting

The Awakening of Motti Wolkenbruch | 2018

Feature length film , Switzerland

director Michael Steiner

Production Michael Steiger , Hans G. Syz , Anita Wasser

*Casting services - Israel

Get Lost! | 2018

TV Movie , Netherlands

director Mirjam de With

Production Family Affair Films

*Casting services - Israel

Murer: Anatomy of a Trial | 2018

Feature length film , Austria

director Christian Frosch

Production Adrien Chef

*Casting services - Israel

The Greenhouse Academy 1st & 2nd seasons | 2017

TV seires , Netflix

director Roee Florentin

Production Nutz Productions

*Co-casting with Fern Champion & Sharon Chazin Lieblein

Der Tel-Aviv Krimi | 2016

TV series, Germany

director Matthias Tiefenbacher

Production for ARD TV, Germany 60tv60film

The Other Son | 2012

Feature length film , France

director Lorraine Levy

Production Rapsodie production , Laila Films, Israel

Hanna's Journey | 2013

Feature length film , Germany - Israel

director Julian von Heinz

Production 2Pilots Filmproduction , Black Sheep Film Productions , Kings & Queens Filproduktion

Haim and Greta | In pre-production

Feature length film , Latvia

director Sergey Livenev

Production Metro communications

For the love of a woman | In pre-production

Feature length film , Italy

director Guido Chiesa

Production Vivo film and Colorado film

Dirizhyor / St. Matthew Passion | 2012

Feature length film , Russia

director Pavel Lungin

Production Pavel Lungin

The Debt | 2010

Feature length film , USA

director John Madden

Production Miramax , Israeli prod. - Evanstone


*Casting services - Israel 

Adam Resurrected | 2008

Feature length film , USA - Israel 

director Paul Schrader

Production Bleiberg Entertainment , Ehud Bleiberg, July August Productions


The Shooting of Tomas Hurndall | 2008

Feature Length TV movie , channle 4 UK

director Rowan Joffe

Production talkbackTHAMES , Barney Reisz


Liebesleben (Love Life) | 2007

Feature length film , Germany

director Maria Schrader

Production X-Films Berlin , Stefan Arndt


Jellyfish | 2007

Feature length film , France - Israel

director Shira Geffen, Etgar keret

Production Canal+, Arte Cinema France & Lama Films, Israel

*winner of the Camera D’Or, Cannes film festival 2007

Live and Become | 2005

Feature length film , France

director Radu Mihaileanu

Production Elzevis films & Transfax productions, Israel

*Co-casting With Hila Yuval

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